Starfire's Planet Page 2

Sibling Rivalry - Tamaran Style

Princess Komand'r's biggest beef her sister was genetic. Born without the innate Tamaran ability to fly the planet's laws cut her out of the succession and made her younger sister the crown princess. Komand'r never forgave her sister for that and vowed to make her life a living hell. Which she managed by betraying her homeworld and getting her sister turned over to the Citadel as a slave. Fun as that was Komand'r really wanted to be queen. She eventually achieved that goal by seizing power and taking the throne. Ironically it turned out running Tamaran had a mellowing effect on her and while she ruled with a heavy hand the people preferred a strong ruler to their wimpy former King (her father) who had knuckled under to the Citadel. But that was in the future, when she first showed up on Earth she had no redeeming qualities whatsoever and was only planning to stay long enough to undo her sister's emancipation. First her Gordanian minions sent Koriand'r's powers haywaire then moved into grab her while she couldn't defend herself.

The other Titans didn't like that but couldn't stop this alian abduction.

Leading to this touching sisterly reunion.

Thinking she had dumped the Titans in space to die Komand'r headed home to report her success. Unaware the Titans had survived thanks to Superman and were in hot pursuit aboard the Omega Men's ship. Meanwhile enroute to Vega Komand'r took the opportunity to gloat as only villains are allowed to do.

If you'd like to see what happened after Komand'r and Koriand'r arrived on the Citadel Homeworld click here.

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